As promised, the last half of our jam session at Nikki's and Tamara's house.
I might eventually be able to decipher who played what when. I'm pretty sure Andre, who we had just met, played guitar on AVJam and maybe the last 3 tracks.
I recorded this jam on my Edirol R-44 field recorder. I just placed it on the window sill and used the onboard stereo mics. Except for a tiny bit of distortion during the loud parts I'm extremely surprised by the sound quality. We set up the drums in one corner of the livingroom and the two guitarist (when there were two) sat on the couches. It was a really casual environment to play in. The only thing missing was a vocal mic which we'll probably remember to bring next time. We didn't exactly have a set list and 90% of the music we played this night was improvised. I had a blast. Can't wait to play at another party like this. Maybe we'll have some more material to try out.
taki.06.19.10.V2a-Intermission.mp3 11:36
taki.06.19.10.V2b-Knightrider.mp3 12:45
taki.06.19.10.V2c-Groove.mp3 14:42
taki.06.19.10.V2d-AVJam.mp3 1:56
taki.06.19.10.V2e-BillyJean.mp3 1:54
taki.06.19.10.V2f-JJ.mp3 3:48
taki.06.19.10.V2g-EasyPeasy.mp3 3:17
taki.06.19.10.V2h-Sunday.mp3 3:04
taki.06.19.10.V2i-Smells.mp3 4:29
taki.06.19.10.V2j-creep.mp3 2:38
taki.06.19.10.V2k-Sunshine.mp3 1:57
taki.06.19.10.V2l-Ocean.mp3 1:10
taki.06.19.10.V2m-BarbecueShuffle.mp3 4:14
taki.06.19.10.V2n-InExcess.mp3 1:57
taki.06.19.10.V2o-Santana.mp3 2:01
taki.06.19.10.V2p-Cocaine.mp3 6:34
taki.06.19.10.V2q-FunkyBasterds.mp3 4:14
Some pics I snapped on my iPhone: