Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fuzz 2.18.10

For those just joining us, Fuzz is what happens when 4 technical directors that work in cg animation get together and make noise with their instruments. We all kind of play guitar, bass, and drums so we have fun switching instruments to make things challenging. Eric usually brings a crazy stereo guitar fx rig, bunch of mics, a 4-track field recorder and records each jam. Sheldon usually brings his guitar/fx rig, which is also crazy. Jamie usually brings his vintage bass gear with vintage pedals (jealous). I usually bring my SG and my pedal board and some cymbals. I also bring my 4-track field recorder so we can link them together and get 8 tracks. We use the drumset and amps provided by Astoria Soundworks. For the past few weeks I've been mixing the jams on my old TiBook using Digital Performer. This time my TiBook almost blew up (again) because I used too many effects again. Almost time to upgrade, not yet...

This session Eric brought a pedal that allows him to pan his guitar sound between two separate guitar rigs. I brought my usual rig with the crybaby again and borrowed the same Orange amp that I used in the previous jam. We tried a different drum mic setup with one on the kick, another over the snare/hihat and one over the ride/toms. I bought a new korg nano kontrol which helped when I was mixing the tracks. It's like a mini mixing console, so cool. I'm also trying mixing a little more actively to balance the tracks and enhance the psychedelic experience. Oh, I played the drums so damn hard that my arms were sore for a few days. I've also started naming the tracks just to help differentiate each block of music. I know they're silly and the cover art sucks but I was tired and in a hurry.

fuzz.2.18.10a-Where_is_Sheldon.mp3 3:16 E:Gtr J:Bass D:Drums S:?
fuzz.2.18.10b-Technical_Difficulties.mp3 17:08 E:Gtr J:Bass D:Drums S:Gtr (one 4-track failed for the first 3/4 of the jam)
fuzz.2.18.10c-TheDingoAteYourBaby.mp3 11:09 E:Gtr J:Bass D:Drums S:Dark Magic
fuzz.2.18.10d-DeepFriedMonkeyBrains.mp3 9:21 E:Gtr J:Drums D:Bass S:Gtr
fuzz.2.18.10e-TheyStartedWithoutMeButItWasPrettyCool.mp3 15:07 E:Gtr J:Drums D:Bass S:Gtr
fuzz.2.18.10f-bassNDrums.mp3 3:05 J:Drums D:Bass
fuzz.2.18.10g-playedYourEyesIn.mp3 13:18 E:Gtr J:Drums D:Bass S:Gtr
fuzz.2.18.10h-A_Moo_Point.mp3 9:41 E:Drums J:Bass D:Gtr S:Gtr
fuzz.2.18.10i-CornNuts.mp3 5:07 E:Drums J:Bass D:Gtr S:Gtr
fuzz.2.18.10j-MyHandsFellOff.mp3 10:48 E:Gtr J:Bass D:Drums S:Gtr
fuzz.2.18.10k-FuzzTastik.mp3 17:09 E:Gtr J:Bass D:Drums S:Gtr

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Fat Fuzz Tuesday

Feb 4 2010 Jam Session: I recently added my old "crybaby" wah pedal into my guitar rig. Sounds great! I hope you'll agree. This was a very challenging mix with lots of tracks bleeding through and sync issues along with other mayhem but I scraped it together. Not the best balancing of tracks but pretty listenable I hope.

fuzz.2.4.10a.mp3 1:50 Shel and Jamie playing purty
fuzz.2.4.10b.mp3 1:28 d:drums, j:bass, s:gtr, e:gtr
fuzz.2.4.10c.mp3 7:53 d:drums, j:bass, s:gtr, e:gtr
fuzz.2.4.10d.mp3 8:57 d:drums, j:bass, s:gtr, e:gtr
fuzz.2.4.10e.mp3 2:09 j:drums, d:gtr, s:gtr, e:bass
fuzz.2.4.10f.mp3 8:49 j:drums, d:gtr, s:gtr, e:bass
fuzz.2.4.10g.mp3 10:35 j:drums, d:gtr, s:gtr, e:bass
fuzz.2.4.10h.mp3 5:32 d:drums, j:bass, s:gtr, e:gtr
fuzz.2.4.10i.mp3 19:07 d:drums, j:bass, s:gtr, e:gtr
fuzz.2.4.10j.mp3 6:31 d:bass, j:d-gtr, s:gtr, e:drums
fuzz.2.4.10k.mp3 8:48 d:bass, j:d-gtr, s:gtr, e:drums
fuzz.2.4.10l.mp3 23:42 d:e-gtr, e:d-gtr, s:bass, j:drums

Thursday, February 11, 2010

2010 - New Fuzz

January 21, 2010 : New Fuzz! I took advantage of a snow day and mixed these jams. While mixing, Digital Performer crashed and lost a lot of work but I managed to re-do everything. During rendering of the mixes I managed to max out my poor 1GHz Titanium PowerBook. Almost time for an upgrade. I had to move my project to a faster hard drive and disable some features to get this stuff done.

Edit: 2/14/10 Replaced tracks with remixed versions because they were a little wonky due to my drunk mixing job.

Here are the tracks:
fuzz.1.21.10a.mp3 01:14 - j: bass, d:drums, s:guitar, e:guitar
fuzz.1.21.10b.mp3 10:23 - j:bass, d:drums, s:guitar, e:guitar
fuzz.1.21.10c.mp3 08:03 - d:guitar, j:drums, e:bass? s:guitar?
fuzz.1.21.10d.mp3 21:32 - j:drums, d:bass, s:guitar, e:guitar
fuzz.1.21.10e.mp3 09:42 - e:drums, d:bass, s:guitar, j:guitar
fuzz.1.21.10f.mp3 05:11 - e:drums, d:bass, s:guitar, j:guitar
fuzz.1.21.10g.mp3 21:08 - j:bass, d:drums, s:guitar, e:guitar
fuzz.1.21.10h.mp3 23:00 - j:bass, d:drums, s:guitar, e:guitar

Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Last Fuzz Jam of 2009 (for real!)

There was another jam from 12/17/2009 on Eric's drive. I just finished mixing these down. I'll post track notes later. Hope you like them!

a: Jamie Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Dan Bass
b: Jamie Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Dan Bass
c: Jamie Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Dan Bass - first half Eric and Sheldon take a break then all hell breaks loose
d: Dan Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Jamie Bass
e: Dan Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Jamie Bass
f: Dan Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Jamie Bass
g: Dan Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Jamie Bass - epic in its epicness
h: Eric Drums, Dan Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Jamie Bass - knightrider-ish
i: Dan Drums, Eric Guitar, Sheldon Guitar, Jamie Bass - hawaii-5-O-ish